Murder In Play – Auditions

Auditions are open to anyone, but anybody cast will need to become a member of the Players.

We urgently need a replacement actor to play Harrison – see details below.
The role of Pat could be recast if someone is interested – they would be a great pair of roles for a couple!

Please contact the director if you are interested or want more information

(Show dates are Wed 21st to Sat 24th May, and our rehearsal nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Murder In Play is an ensemble piece with roles that are broadly written, and so will be fun to play, and for most there is the opportunity to play a different persona in the role within the role. All the characters have some very funny lines and actions.

As always, playing age is far more important than actual, and there is always some leeway in the recommendations as well as the magic of theatre when the audience is at a distance. In any event, the import issue is that Renee and Christa, are of a broadly similar age, with Sophie, Ginette and Tim somewhat younger.

Harrison Bracewell (M – large supporting role)

An older Shakespearian “luvvie” of the old school, fond of recounting tales of working with “Rafe” (Ralph) Richardson. Fond of the bottle, as well the bard, he is “in his 60s” and has a lifetime of treading the boards in minor roles. Sneaking a drink whenever possible, he’s able to ham his way through a villainous role as the eccentric Mr Papadopoulos, although it would help if he could remember his lines…

Harrison is 60+, but could be played by a younger actor aged up as appropriate.

Pat Smith (F – supporting role)

Pat is the company stage manager. Overworked, paint splattered and tool-bag in hand, Pat keeps things in working, even while the butt of Boris’s ire and everyones’ demands. Her age is not specified, but she could be somewhere in her 30s to 60s. As in real life, a good ASM is a crucial part of any production!

We have a group member cast as Pat, but she is willing to stand aside if someone with more time wishes to take the role, which is a nice little cameo for any ASM wanting to get more than a few lines!

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the director Paul Davey at