Tue 23 – Sat 27 Nov 2021
7:30 pm, Ditchling Village Hall

Brighton and Hove Arts Council Award Winners 2021!
Best Actress: Karinn Grierson, Private Lives
Best Costumes: Diane Burman, Catharine Robinson, Private Lives
Best Actor: Jonny Idle, Private Lives
Best Supporting Actress: Debbie Dillon, Private Lives
Best Stage Crew: Ditchling Players, Private Lives
Review by Mid Sussex Times
Sybil Chase: Debbie Dillon
Elyot Chase: Jonny Idle
Amanda Prynne: Karinn Grierson
Victor Prynne: Jon Dall
Louise: Carol Merrett
Director: Tracy Glover
Stage Manager: Sue Hanna
Asst SM: Sue Blair-Fish
Set Design: Ian Clayton, Caroline Saunders
Set Construction: Ian Clayton and The Players
Set Decoration: Caroline Saunders and The Players
Costumes: Diane Burman and Catharine Robinson
Props: Maureen Campbell and Catherine Hinchliffe
Prompt: Sarah Trayler
Lighting: Mike Batchelor
Sound: Colin Brown
Front of House: Penelope Bennett, John Merrett, David Tettersell
Photography: Tony Gibson
Advertising and Publicity: David Tettersell
Programme and Website: Neil Iosson
They can’t live with each other – but can they live apart?
With its stinging barbs and clever wit, Private Lives is Noël Coward’s finest and funniest comedy.
Elyot and Amanda divorced five years ago. Glamorous Amanda and her prosaic new husband are honeymooning on the French Riviera, when she finds that, quite by chance, the hotel room next to theirs is occupied by her ex-husband, the rich and reckless Elyot, and his new wife!
Old passions begin to bubble between Elyot and Amanda and, with no regard for propriety, they soon forget the numerous good reasons why they broke up in the first place and impulsively escape to Paris pursued by their respective spouses.
Can it last? Or will they find that their passion, which alternates between love and anger, drives them apart yet again?
Forget those grey days of winter and come with us to a sophisticated world of cocktails, elegant glamour and sparkling repartee.