Shakers Restirred by John Godber

Karen Grierson is involved in a fundraising performance of Shakers Restirred by John Godber. Ginpalace productions are putting on 2  special fundraising performances of Shakers re-stirred at The Hassocks (function room) Station approach, Hassocks on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st February starting at 8pm.

All the money from tickets sales will be going to help build houses for orphan led families in South Africa. Further information from Facebook and tickets available online from Eventbrite

Shakers is set in a cocktail bar in the 90s. 4 actresses play 30 different parts in this fun peek into the comings and goings of a trendy bar. Come and enjoy the mix of laughter and poignancy in this cleverly written play.

POSTPONED: Private Lives

We regret that we have to postpone our autumn show Private Lives by Noël Coward due to illness. This was due to be performed 20-23 November. It will now be rescheduled to spring and be performed 20-23 May 2020.

We wish our cast member a robust recover and hope our audience is not too disappointed.

All tickets for November will be refunded – those bought online will be refunded automatically. Please contact for more details.

Acting Opportunities

The Players needed for the following roles in Ditchling Players’ Autumn production, Wednesday 20th to Saturday, 23rd November inclusive:

Elyot Chase: Outwardly suave and urbane, his polish having made him irresistible to his new younger wife, Sybil, he is capable of formidable levels of feeling and quite content to fly in the face of polite society in order to satisfy them. Age mid 20s to mid 40s.

Victor Prynne: Would carefully consider whether or not to defy society or indeed anyone. Drawn to Amanda’s apparent wildness, his new wife, he is nevertheless slightly overwhelmed and awed by it and would eventually try to curb it. Age mid 20s to mid 40s.

Louise, French maid: a small jewel of a part, without the pressure of too many lines to learn, that fun can be had with while captivating an audience. Age indeterminate.

Rehearsals are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings 8p.m. at Ditchling Village Hall starting Tuesday, 3rd September.
Technical is Sunday 17th November
Dress Tuesday 19th November

If you are interested, please contact Sara Fisher on